What is your role at Alliance Cancer Care, and how long have you worked here? What type of cancers do you treat?
I’m one of the radiation oncologists at Alliance Cancer Care. I have been here for 22 years, which makes me the “old guy” on campus. Because I am the most senior radiation oncologist, I now have a bi-fold job. I am a physician, and I see a lot of patients. I tend to treat prostate cancer, head and neck cancers, and tumors that may require re-treatment. All of our physicians treat any type of cancer, but my practice is concentrated with head and neck and prostate cancers.
My other job is C.E.O of the Alliance Cancer Care, and I help from a business perspective. We oversee the management of the company, and making sure we are growing in the direction that is best to protect and enhance patient care.
What do you love most about your job?
That’s easy. I left electrical engineering because I wanted to work with people. I love the people, I love the patients. I love the empathy and compassion and the “extra” thought that it takes to really take care of someone. Not just do I love providing excellence in patient care, I like to go to the “next level.” I love helping with the psychology, emotional issues, and transportation for treatment. The extra things – that’s what I love.
What do you love to do outside of work?
Anything outside. Hunting, fishing, watching the sunset or sunrise, working in the garden (keeping the weeds out of my blueberries, playing with my kids, bike riding. My list could go on and on.
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
I’ll give you a couple of answers. Many people know I love to hunt, but I am also a “tree hugger”. I really hate to do anything that hurts nature in any way. Also, I have started to cry at sentimental things with my kids and family. I am much more emotional than I ever thought I would be.
What is one piece of advice you want patients to know coming to Alliance Cancer Care for treatment?
I want you, the patient, and I want you, the family, to know to not be afraid to ask the “extra” questions. We are here to help you. We are here to serve you. We want to cure your cancer, but that is a given. The rest of the story is also oh-so-important. How do we help you through this journey and this process, which can be really scary? We won’t know, unless you tell us.
Why do Dr. Childs nurses love working with him?
Dr. Childs treats us more like family than employees, and he gives patients all he has. He is passionate about making sure that everything is right, and as a team, we work very well together to make that happen.
What do patients say about Dr. Childs?
“Dr. Childs explained what to expect so I had few surprises. Everyone was so kind and compassionate, caring and cheerful.”
“Dr. Childs and staff have great synergy. I always feel heard and cared for.”
“I absolutely love Dr. Childs and his staff. Everyone is very professional yet very personal with each patient. You made a negative circumstance a positive and upbeat experience for me.”