
Warrior Wig Room

June 22, 2023

Our team is committed to guaranteeing that you experience a remarkable transformation, both in appearance and well-being, throughout your treatment.

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Cancer treatment often brings forth a range of hurdles, and the prospect of hair loss can be yet another obstacle to face and conquer. At Alliance Cancer Care we have a dedicated Wig Room for our patients where you can choose from a wide variety of wigs, hats, and scarves so that you can feel like yourself again.

Looking for A Wig?

Download our form below to get started or contact Melody Delany at or 256-377-9551. Currently our Warrior Wig Room is situated at our Singing River Cancer Center in Florence, where we deliver exceptional care. Excitingly, we have embarked on an expansion journey that will bring even more advancements to our other facilities!

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Have Donations?

We appreciate you thinking of Alliance Cancer Care! Pleaese contact Melody Delany at or 256-377-9551.

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